Aditi Desai has pursued a theatre career from childhood under the guidance of an eminent theatre person and her father Jaswant Thaker. She has worked as a freelance media person, consultant, filmmaker and theatre trainer. Her key area of interest is theatre work, Video film making, Development of popular educational material, Training- Gender and theatre, and Developing media and campaign strategies. She has directed 18 plays (10-three acts, one-act, and children’s plays) so far. A name few- BandhanAneMukti( Jaybhikkhu), Achalayatan (Ravindranath Tagore), Kasturba( Narayan desai), Akoopar ( Dhruv Bhatt), Agnikanya. After acting in mainstream and experimental theatre for ten years, she is a pioneer to start street theatre performances on women's issues in Ahmedabad. Slowly she developed street theatre workshops and started training programmes in rural areas with non-literate people, tribal, women, youth, and students on various developmental issues.